CARBOFURAN: 97%, 98% TECH FINISHED PRODUCT: 3%, 5%G, 75%DB, 35%, 48%SC, 60% FS, 200G/L EC
CAS: 1563-66-2 MODE OF ACTION:Systemic, with predominantly contact and stomach action.
USES:Control of soil-dwelling and foliar-feeding insects (including wireworms, white grubs, millipedes, symphylids, frit flies, bean seed flies, root flies, flea beetles, weevils, sciarid flies, aphids, thrips, etc.) and nematodes in vegetables, ornamentals, beet, maize, sorghum, sunflowers, oilseed rape, potatoes, alfalfa, peanuts, soya beans, sugar cane, rice, cotton, coffee, cucurbits, tobacco, lavender, citrus, vines, strawberries, bananas, mushrooms, and other crops. | |